Want To Lose Weight

Our professional wellness coaches can and will help you reach your goals, FREE...

Ask Dr. Carr how you can lose all the weight you want to at no additional charge.

Here's how our proven effective  programs work:


WellWeight Program

WellWeight provides complete weight management support and education to achieve optimal and sustainable results. 

This 13-week program places a strong emphasis on personalized education and behavior change by using a structured program, which covers nutrition, exercise and healthy lifestyle behaviors.

The program includes weight management online tools that measure: Body Mass Index (BMI), calories burned, and progress made over the course of the program.

There are weekly assignments at the conclusion of each session.

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WellWalk is a 12-module walking program that will help participants find more ways to be more active and increase their daily step count. Online tools include a step count tracker, step count/distance converter, and a steps count/activity converter. All participants receive a free pedometer once they complete the first module of the program. There are weekly assignments at the conclusion of each session.

You can also benefit from these great resources:

WellFit Tutorial

The WellFit Tutorial is a 7-module resource that will help exercisers of all levels to kick start their fitness routine. Topics include overcoming barriers, creating an exercise schedule, and taking your fitness to the next level. The tutorial includes tools for participants to track their progress and includes a 2-month exercise plan as well as numerous descriptions and photos of exercises to do at home.

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These days, dining out and losing weight don't go hand in hand with the out of control portions and unhealthy ingredients found in many restaurant meals.

CookWell is a 7-day tutorial designed to help individuals begin cooking and preparing healthy meals and snacks at home.

Whether you are on a budget, never cooked in your life, or limited on time, CookWell will help you to eliminate barriers and provide day-by-day steps to get started eating healthy at home.

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